Delta Omega Chi
Medical Service Society | University of Houston
Delta Omega Chi SPRING 2020 Executive BOARD

Meet our team

Courtney Hoang
Biology Major, Health Minor | Junior | Medical Dosimetry
"I am a foodie and adventurer at heart. I love to travel, cook, and to pamper myself with naps and $2 face masks at CVS. Sometimes I can be really loud, but don't let that scare you away! I promise I am super friendly and approachable. I hope I can provide insight and wisdom into what it's like to be a pre-health student at UH, so please feel free to ask me questions. I can't wait to meet old and new faces throughout the semester, let's make it a semester to remember!"

Anthony Pham
Biology Major, Business Foundations Minor | Junior | Pre-Med
“Hey guys! I’m Anthony. I have a dog named Leo who is probably better than yours. Hit me up for photos of Leo! I like to eat, make new friends, sleep and sometimes study. My favorite food is my mom’s homemade pho."

Anushka Anand
Biology Major, Health Minor | Junior | Pre-Med
"Hi everyone, I’m Anushka, I’m so excited to meet all of you and make your DOC experience amazing. I love to travel, binge Netflix, and play with my three doggos. I love all kinds of music ranging from Cardi B to The Paper Kites. I’m also a fitness lover and I love to chill out with a yoga class. If you see me around feel free to say hi and get to know me."

Roba Abousaway
Biochemistry Major, Medicine & Society Minor | Junior | Pre-Med
"Hello everyone!! My name is Roba, and I'm excited to have an amazing semester with you all. When I'm not studying, I enjoy meeting new people, coffee shop hopping, and watching all kinds of comedies. I'm also a big cat person! If you ever see me around campus, feel free to come and chat. I'd love to get to know you :)"

Matthew Chang
Exercise Science Major | Senior | Pre-PT
"My name is Matthew Chang. I was born in Houston, Texas. I’ve been in Delta Omega Chi for 4 semesters and am going on my 5th. I am studying to become a physical therapist because I enjoy helping other people who are in need. Some of my hobbies consist of listening to music and powerlifting. I spend a majority of my time either in the library or the rec :)"

Nathan Pham
Psychology Major, Biology Minor | Sophmore | Pre-PA
"Hi guys, my name is Nathan. I am excited to work with you all in achieving your healthcare career goals. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, eating out at every hot spot in Houston, and going to every music festival and concert I possibly can! I’m a huge foodie, so if you need any good restaurant recommendations you can always find me at DOC events, Starbucks, and the Library! D-O-C on three!"

Jacob Roy
Biology Major, Health Minor | Sophomore | Pre-Med
"Hey guys, my name is Jacob! I’m really excited to meet everyone and hope you all come out to our IM games this semester! When I’m not on campus, I love to play piano or basketball in my free time. I’ve lived in Houston all my life and wouldn’t want to go anywhere else!"

Reshma Jose
Biology Major, Health Minor | Sophomore | Pre-Med
"Hello everyone my name is Reshma! I am so excited for this upcoming semester and I can't wait to make some amazing memories. When I'm not studying in the library, I love to go out to eat, sing, and travel! I also LOVE dogs and my dog's name is Charlie. Please feel free to come talk to me, I would love to meet you! Go DOC (: "

Kimberly Nguyen
Psychology Major, Business Administration Minor| Junior | Pre-PA
"Hello friends! My name is Kimberly and I am so excited to see what this semesters bring us! I absolutely LOVE dogs and if I could adopt all the dogs from the shelters, I would. When I am not on campus, I am most likely at a boba/coffee shop, work, or at the rec,so if you ever need a new friend/motivation/study buddy, hit me up! If you ever see me around on campus, don't be afraid to come say hi, I love to get to know you better! Welcome to the DOC fam! (:"

Johnny Tran
Chemistry Major, Biology & Mathematics Minors | Junior | Pre-Optometry
"Hi DOC family! My name is Johnny and my dream is to enter into the UH College of Optometry. I was always passionate about optometry ever since I was in high school when I shadowed an optometrist and saw how much she cared for her patients. The same type of care and passion that she had for her patients was something I wish to bring to my future patients. Things I like to do in the free time are to do organic chemistry research, volunteering, shadowing, and teaching. I love to keep my myself busy with things to better my experience and sharpen my 'vision'."

Katarina Tomasic
Human Nutrition and Foods Major | Junior |
"Hello, my name is Katarina and I am the Volunteer Director. I love to do many things such as cooking/baking, yoga, exploring, and watching movies in my free time. When I’m not at school, I’m teaching dance! I have a passion for helping people and am looking forward to all of the volunteer events this semester! If you ever see me around feel free to chat with me - we most probably have something in common!"

My Ha
Nutrition Major, Human Development Minor | Senior | Pre-Med
"Hey everyone! My name is My Ha. Yes, my full name consists of 4 letters. Short and sweet, just like me. If I’m not on campus I’m probably thrift shopping, in hibernation, or watching kdramas. I also love to sing, and karaoke is my favorite type of cardio. If you ever see me around campus feel free to come up and say hi! I won’t bite, I promise!! Welcome to the family :)"

Areeba Alsharfeen
Biology Major | Sophomore | Pre-Med
"Hello everyone! My name is Areeba and I’m your Operations Director this semester. I grew up in Toronto and I live on campus pretty much 24/7, so if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here to help! In my free time I write poetry and take photographs of people, places, and various objects. You can usually find me at the library or in CV1. I love meeting new people, and I look forward to getting to know you!"

Kathy Nguyen
Nutrition Major | Junior | Pre-Optometry
"Hey! My name is Kathy Nguyen. I love cooking, singing, shopping, sleeping, going to concerts, and Pentatonix! Catch me around campus, at bake sales, or at the Carrel Space. I love making new friends so feel free to come say hi :)"

Faith Huynh
Biology Major, Medicine & Society Minor | Sophomore | Pre-PA
"Hi friends!! My name is Faith and I am so excited to meet everyone! I love to dance and I'm always ready to get down! I also love playing with makeup, laughing, napping, and watching good movies (Detective Pikachu is my favorite)! I'm addicted to the Red Bean Cream Blend at Teahouse and my favorite food is chicken alfredo, but I'll eat anything!"