Delta Omega Chi
Medical Service Society | University of Houston
Meet the doc alumni
On this page, we are proud to present our alumni who have moved forward on their journey as health professionals after their time with Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society. Let's see what they have been up to!
Hello, I'm Momin Hussain!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
More than one year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
Honors Biomedical Sciences
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
I graduated early after serving in this amazing organization for over two years! I am attending medical school soon, beginning in the fall 2019 semester.

How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
I gained a lot from all the various aspects of Delta Omega Chi. I made a lot of great friends and I helped a lot of great people through the mentorship program that I helped contribute to. I tried my best to prepare outstanding leaders and raise the expectations of student leaders in our organization and in others across the University of Houston campus. My efforts through partnerships and mutual networking for the sake of volunteering helped me influence more people outside the organization and build this organization's amazing reputation in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics as well as across the entire campus. I was able to gain a lot of unique perspective from the diverse group of people that I worked with and worked FOR (like members) when I was an officer. Similar to a real physician, I worked with various different types of future healthcare professionals and better understood how to work in such a colorful and widely varied environment. I hope everyone is able to benefit from DOC as much as I was!
What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
Try your best to manage your time efficiently and get good grades so that you can happily spend as much free time as you can at events! I really enjoyed all the DOC events, namely the blood drives, suture clinics, socials, school tours, volunteer events, meetings, bake sales, fundraisers, and more! Basically, I liked everything and I want everyone to have as much fun as possible with this service society like I did!

How has the next chapter of your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
I am currently a D2 (second-year student) at Touro College of Dental Medicine. The program can be incredibly stressful and demanding at times, but ultimately, I am enjoying every minute of the experience and working hard to become the best provider that I can be.
Hello, I'm Vincent Nguyen!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
More than one year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Delta Omega Chi first stood out to me among the many student organizations at the University of Houston due to its familial quality. The bonds between officers and members were incredibly close, and it was a great environment to be involved with. I got to meet and get to know students with aspirations for all the different aspects of health care, which was refreshing since most pre-health organizations focus strictly on one route. For a commuter student like myself, DOC became “my home away from home” and was a defining highlight from my undergraduate experience.
What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
Work as hard as you possibly can and never settle for anything less than your absolute best. The road to becoming a health care practitioner is certainly a challenging one, but you are more than capable of making your dreams a reality. Having a support system is crucial and learning how to allocate time for yourself to relax and unwind can make a big difference, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. Good luck and have fun with the process. You can do it!
Hello, I'm Auden Chang Houseworth!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
One year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
Psychology/ Pre-Nursing
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
It has been a crazy chapter in my life as well as everybody else’s in the world. I got into nursing school April of 2020. I was accepted into my dream program, but I felt guilt celebrating at a time of such sorrow in the world. Watching the news made me realize how important healthcare workers are, ranging from physicians to janitors at the hospital. Nursing school has been my biggest challenge thus far, but not a day goes by where I do not learn something new and fascinating.

How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Delta Omega Chi brought me closer to so many people interested in pursuing careers in the healthcare world. Many people think of doctors and nurses, but the diversity in the field is what I love. There were pre-pharm, pre-PT, pre-optometry, etc. I loved getting to see the healthcare field from so many different points of view. Though I only spent a year with Delta Omega Chi, it will always be a good memory from my time at the University of Houston.

What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
My biggest advice would be to learn as much as possible. If that means exploring multiple career paths within the field, asking questions, watching documentaries, or just having conversations with other members. Delta Omega Chi is filled with kind, smart, hard-working people. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions. Lastly, kindness goes a long way in the hospital.

Hello, I'm Kathleen Luu!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
More than one year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
Supply Chain Management
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
I had the opportunity to gain patient care experience as a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Technician at a neuro-oncology practice during my gap year. Being able to work with cancer patients has allowed me to build trusting relationships. I was not only able to get to know these individuals as patients but also as human beings as I connected with them weekly during their treatments. This gap year has also allowed me to get my yoga teaching license, something I've been wanting to do for a very long time! I'm grateful that I have had the time to focus on myself to prepare me for the rigors of PA school.
What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
Get involved! Start joining organizations and looking for experiences (shadowing, volunteering, healthcare experiences, patient care experience) early. This definitely helps with the stress management later on. Try to find a way to incorporate your hobbies/interests into your application to showcase what your passions are outside of healthcare. This gives the admissions committee a little taste of your personality too!
How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Joining DOC my freshman year helped me make the most important decision of my life: to become a PA. I entered college debating between MD/DO and PA. My DOC mentor guided me toward my ultimate decision, and I have no regrets! The mentorship program created a space for me to be guided through my journey and for me to guide other pre-PAs in their journeys.
Hello, I'm Andrew Xu!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
More than one year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
I am currently attending medical school, and I will be a doctor in just a few more years!

How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Delta Omega Chi was a place of immense growth and provided the foundation for my extracurricular profile when applying to medical school. Through DOC I learned a lot about leadership and gained some amazing friends along the way. The skills and experiences I gained from serving as an officer still serve me well to this day. Even while applying to officer positions in student organizations in medical school, I often times find myself writing about when I served as an officer in DOC as one of my qualifications. Leadership and teamwork are life long skills that will serve you well in all areas of life. I am grateful to have developed and cultivated these skills early on in college through DOC.

What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
Everyone has the same 4 years in college. How you choose to utilize those 4 years is what makes the biggest difference. Simply joining DOC or any other student organization is not enough. You must be active, volunteer, network, and apply for leadership positions! Have experiences and stories to share when the time comes for you to apply to your respective health program. Your story is uniquely you and will be your contribution to the world of healthcare. Therefore, write the best story you can in these 4 years while you are in college!
College should be a time where you learn, explore, and grow. One of the biggest advantages of DOC is that it includes every single pre-health path. Regardless of what you choose, DOC can be your home. Do not box yourself in to one pre-health path just because that is what you decided on day 1 of your freshman year. Do what makes YOU happy, and shut out any outside noise. It is okay to change your mind and choose a different path! The universe has an uncanny way of eventually placing us right where we belong. Many of us will spend most of our adult lives working, so you should choose a career you truly love. You owe that to yourself and to your future patients. They should have a healthcare professional that truly loves the work that they do.
Lastly but most importantly, believe in yourself! We live in a world where others will try to discredit us or doubt us at every turn. Therefore, you cannot allow your own voice to hold you back and discourage you from pursuing your dreams. What separates people who achieve their goals and those who don't often times is an unshakeable belief in oneself. Be humble but be confident too, when the chips are down, don't be afraid to bet on yourself! Deep down if you truly did bet on yourself, then you can never lose. One day you will look up and truly be astonished at how far you've come.

Hello, I'm Mai-Anh Vu!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
More than one year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
Currently a 3rd year allopathic medical student (pursuing MD) at UTMB Galveston. Applying for residency Fall 2019, and graduating in Spring 2020.

What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
"Fall down seven times, stand up eight." Be hopeful, continue to work hard, and never give up on your dream.
How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Founding Delta Omega Chi is by far one of the greatest privileges I have had in my academic career. From ground zero, to growing DOC into one of the largest health organizations at UH within 1 semester, we found our passions, contributed our drive, and made life-long colleagues and friends. Because of DOC, we were able to influence and learn from a generation of pre-health students finding a safe place & mentorship to pursue their dreams and aspirations.
Hello, I'm Brandon Hua!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
More than one year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
I am currently in my S1 semester (second to last semester) at UTHealth School of Nursing. Nursing school has been very challenging and different, but definitely very rewarding as well.

How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Delta Omega Chi has benefited me in many ways. As a member, it has provided me with countless volunteering opportunities and events that exposed me to the medical/healthcare community and helped me confirm that pursuing my career in Nursing is the right path for me. I was also given the opportunity to become a Pre-Nursing Mentor, which allowed me to give back to the organization and provide guidance to other Pre-Nursing students from personal experiences. Becoming a Pre-nursing mentor has helped me become a better leader, mentor, and mostly importantly, a better individual.

What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
1. BE ORGANIZED! Be on top of everything (or try to), it will definitely save you so much time. Get in a habit of using a planner (Google/Apple Calendar, notebooks, etc), whatever helps you to organize/plan your day/week/months/semester.
2. Take advantage of all your current resources such as advisors, DOC members/officers, Professors, and anybody that you can talk/ask questions about your future plans in Pre-health path. Take advantage of club events (volunteers, school tours, cadaver labs, etc), these experiences will benefit you in the long run such as building up your resume and provide exposure to the healthcare field.
3. Pre-requisites are actually very important (core-sciences), they help you build a solid foundation and will benefit you in the long-run while going through your program. Take them seriously!
4. Put yourself out there and don't be afraid of exposing yourself to the public/strangers or friends around you, this will slowly build up your confidence and will only do good in your future as a healthcare professional, and also as an individual. 5. Step back and see where your end goal is, focus on that goal! Don't forget to take time out to enjoy yourself (because you have a lot of it later, haha, jk, but kinda), doing things that help you destress will be very beneficial now and in the future. If you have any specific questions regarding the process of applying/getting into nursing school, then feel free to contact me @ Brandonhua96@gmail.com. Wish you all the best of luck in your Pre-Health Journey!

Hello, I'm Sherellin Posana!
How long were you a member of Delta Omega Chi Medical Service Society?
One year
What was your major when you attended the University of Houston?
How has the next chapter in your life been after Delta Omega Chi?
I just started nursing school at the University of Houston's College of Nursing! Just like any nursing program, it has been very rigorous with high expectations. The second degree BSN program has a 100% NCLEX pass rate and the program I am in is based on that curriculum. So far I am really enjoying the program and am really proud to have gotten in. I'm striving to meet their standards every day and am hoping to do my very best in nursing school!
What advice do you have for current and prospective members?
Challenge yourself to take opportunities that would force you out of your comfort zone. It is okay to learn things along the way because you will never really know where life takes you. Just believe in yourself and keep those that believe in you and support you close. No matter what situation you're in stay positive. Remember that with the right mindset you will get through any hardship!
How has Delta Omega Chi benefited you in your pre-health journey?
Whenever I was really active in DOC, it was mostly through volunteering. DOC opened up more volunteering opportunities for me and helped me gain more connections. I had the opportunity to volunteer at MDA Camp for All one summer and it really helped me in my decision to be a nurse. I spent a week helping give children with muscular dystrophy a memorable experience that they would not normally have. I also got to work alongside a traveling nurse and receive advice from her about the profession. It was such an amazing opportunity and I thank DOC for introducing me to that!